Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Religions are source of spreading messages

I think that though all religions can be visualized same but they can be seen as different source of teachings by the god. I cant agree with the fact that they all have same teachings. But I don’t mean that they all have different values. Its like one is a doctor and another one is an engineer, both have same values but different purpose in the society. Same case is of religions. Basically all religions have same core teaching, to preach god. But along with that, there are other main teachings for humans given by each religion and they are different for every religion holding same importance in society.

Hinduism has focused over karma or action with no desire of obtaining fruit. Islam has pointed of being self perfect or to be on the path of truth at all circumstances, the main motive of jihad. Jesus in Christianity has thought to love others and live in peace. Buddhism tells to escape from sorrow by eradicating desire from life. Jainism tells to follow ahimsa i.e non-voilence. Sikhism tells that one can accept any religion and its teachings to achieve God (as written in http://www.onelittleangel.com/wisdom/quotes/sikhism.asp?level=1).

In above, we can feel that though main teachings of all religions are different, they all hold same value for human welfare and would give same result. I don’t say that any of those religions do not say all those teachings, but their focused teachings are different. This may be the trick of god or eminent personalities of spreading different important messages in human society in the form of religions through Lord Jesus or Lord Buddha with different believes in each of those. So, religions are equal in terms of values and not in terms of teachings. They are source of spreading messages. Or in other words, they are just images hiding the real messages behind them where all their practices are just formalities to upport those messages. And as its no bad to follow any message or teaching, any individual of any religion can follow teaching of any religion. One should not see other religions as different culture but a fake idea to spread messages for human welfare.

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